Golf Cart battery
Stay on the green
From golf trolleys to golf buggies, and everything in between, we can provide the best possible solution for your power requirements both on and off the course. The extensive golf range is sourced from the world’s leading manufacturers, so you can trust that our batteries are both dependable and reliable, and will provide you with an extensive service life and shelf life.
Our main suppliers & brands

China CSBattery is a professional battery manufacturer incorporated in 2003, provides Lead Carbon, OPzV, Gel, AGM, VRLA, SLA, OPzS, Deep Cycle, High-Temp, Long life, Durable Lead Acid Storage battery and Lithium batteries for Off Grid Solar, Solar Energy Power, Data Centers, Telecom BTS, UPS/EPS, Motive equipments like forklifts, E-vehicles, etc…
Golf Cart Battery Service
Ecobatt CSBattery
with Extended Warranty (Reduce)
Reduce your Golf cart battery purchase with our EE battery. We supply quality Golf cart batteries from CSBattery. The design of their batteries meets all the technical requirements we have for a perfect battery regeneration. Before delivery they are diagnosis and eventually recondition to ensure they are at 100% of their capacity. They come with an extended warranty that include one preventive regeneration and complete EE after service. With our regeneration technology and after-sale service we will ensure those batteries to last until the end of their design lifespan. At the end of their life, we collect them back (in exchange to a 10% discount on the next purchase) to ensure they are disposed and recycled properly. Each purchase EE battery will come with a sustainability Label. A Green certificate will be provided at the collection time for good and responsible disposal practice.
Curative Regeneration
and Green Battery (Re-use)
Curative regeneration service aims to continue the extension of battery’s life of our Ecobatt Energy batteries and keep them at their optimal performance throughout their design lifespan. This is an environmental friendly solution to reduce battery’s purchase and to become an actor in the fight against battery’s obsolescence. Depending on the battery’s regeneration success rate regenerate battery come with a warranty between 6 to 12 months.
Each purchase regeneration service will come with a sustainability Label and a certificate of battery management sustainability actor including the total battery waste & CO2 emission saved.
Regeneration service only apply for the brands EcoBatt Energy supply as they are design by the manufacturers according to our requirements to ensure a perfect reconditioning. For other brands we can provide this service only if “all the criteria are met and all the requirements are provided” but no warranty is given.
Green batteries are used batteries that we purchase or collect from companies that do not use them or are too weak to stay in operation. We then proceed to their regeneration before selling them at half price. Therefore, it offers to battery users a perfect solution for their disposal that is environmental friendly and provide huge contribution to our country agriculture development. Depending on the battery’s regeneration success rate they will come with a warranty between 6 to 12 months. At the end of their life, we collect them back (in exchange to a discount on the next purchase) to ensure they are disposed and recycled properly. Each purchase Green battery will come with a sustainability Label. A Green certificate will be provided at the collection time for good and responsible disposal practice.
Ecobatt Energy Golf Battery Rental
with Maintenance Service (Reduce)
Are you low on budget? Reduce your battery purchase and maintenance care and expenses with our Ecobatt Energy Golf Cart battery rental service. The rent fee includes our full Ecobatt Energy maintenance service which ensure battery optimal performance for your operation.
Dead Battery Collection Service
To reduce the impact and negative effects of batteries we discarded and follow the Prakas on the battery management, EcoBatt Energy obtained from the Ministry of Environment all the licenses to collect them. With our collection process standard and conform storage area we collect and store dead batteries safely before sending them to formal recycling centers in overseas that will treat and recycle them in environmental friendly way following the Basel agreement.
6V 250AH, 8V 185AH, 8V 200AH
10 Month Warranty
HTB (High Temperature Long Life Deep Cycle GEL) series is pure GEL battery with 15~20 years floating design life.
It is ideal for standby or frequent cyclic discharge applications under extreme environments. By using strong grids, high purity lead and patented Gel electrolyte, the HTB series offers excellent recovery after deep discharge under frequent cyclic discharge use, and can deliver 1500 cycles at 50% DOD.