Small Battery
Collection Points
For your convenience, Ecobatt Energy has provided over 300 bins around Phnom Penh to service their collection partners, with state of the art bins to encourage people to avoid throwing them away with their regular garbage because batteries are technically classified as hazardous waste.
It’s only for rechargeable and single-use batteries weighing 1 kg or less such as :
Alkaline, Lithium primary & Ion, Nickel Cadmium, Small sealed lead acid, nickel metal hydride and Nickel Zinc.
name | location | view |
Aeon Mall Sen Sok | St No. 1003 Village Bayab Commune, ភ្នំពេញ | |
AISPP | 76 មហាវិថី អង្គរ, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Amanjaya Pancam Hotel | HW9J+H3 ភ្នំពេញ | |
Angkor & Cambrew Limited | 1881, Russian Boulevard, Phum Ta Ngoun, Sangkat Kakap, Khan Posenchey, 12301,, រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ 12000 | |
Archetype Group Cambodia | 3, Boulevard Sothearos, Phnom Penh | |
Bin Collection at Phnom Penh International Airport | 12000 មហាវិថី សហព័ន្ធរុស្ស៊ី, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Bong Bonlai Restaurant | 13A St 830 Phnom Penh, 120101 | |
Borey Peng Houth | GXC5+4HP Phnom Penh | |
Bright Victory Mekong Petroleum Import Export Co.,Ltd | Bright Victory Mekong Petroleum Import Export Co.,Ltd, #46A Preah Monivong Blvd (93), Phnom Penh 12201 | |
Cam Paint | Street 217 Choeung Ek Phum Sangkat Prek Kampeus ភ្នំពេញ, 12400 | |
Canadia Bank Prek Leap Branch | ផ្លូវជាតិលេខ ៦, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Canadia Head office | No. 315, Street 110, Corner of Street 93 Phnom Penh, 12202 | |
Coca-Cola Battambang | Coca-Cola Battambang | |
Coca-cola-Siem-Reap | 8VRJ+R26 Krong Siem Reap | |
Confluences, Aquation Office Park Phnom Penh, 120101 | Aquation Office Park Phnom Penh, 120101 | |
Eden Garden | City Center Boulevard Phnom Penh, 12201 | |
Exchange Square | HWFC+HG9, រុក្ខវិថី ព្រះមហាក្សត្រីយានីកុសុមៈ (១០៦), ភ្នំពេញ | |
Farm To Table | #16 ផ្លូវលេខ ៣៦០, 1 12302 | |
Flatiron by Meridian | Phnom Penh City Center, Chok, 12201 Street 102, Phnom Penh | |
Frangipani Royal Palace Hotel | រាជធានី, 27 Street 178, Phnom Penh 12300 | |
GC Life Insurance PLC | Building C, Street 169 Sangkat Veal Vong រាជធានី, ភ្នំពេញ 12253 | |
Hak Kimchheir | GW6J+VV6, រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ | |
Institut français du Cambodge (IFC) | 218 Keo Chea រាជធានី, ភ្នំពេញ 12211 | |
J&T Global Express KHM CO LTD | yuetai phnom penh donghua hui, No.227 Norodom Avenue, White River Division, Sang Park, Phnom Penh City, Phnom Penh | |
Khmer–Soviet Friendship Hospital | Youtheapol Khemarak Phumin Blvd (271), Phnom Penh 12306 | |
Kinin Restaurant | Street 123, ផ្លូវលេខ ៤៤៦, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Korea Energy Cambodia | JV5C+R5M, Phnom Penh | |
Lucky Supermarket Chamkar Morn | CD154KH Phnom Penh Lucky Pavilion Preah Sihanouk Boulevard (274邮政编码: 12302 | |
Lyly Food Industry | #281 ,Wat Tang Korsang St, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. | |
Maersk (Cambodia) Ltd. | 7th Floor, Vtrust Tower, #plot A, Street 169, Phum 12 Phnom Penh City, Czech Repulic Blvd (169), Phnom Penh | |
Makro Supermarket | No.5734, Street 1003 Bayab Village, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries | 255, រាជធានី, 200 Preah Norodom Blvd (41), Phnom Penh 370 | |
Ministry of Commerce | HV57+GMX, No. 19-61, មហាវិថី សហពន្ធ័រុស្ស៊ី (110), មហាវិថី សហពន្ធ័រុស្ស៊ី (១១០), ភ្នំពេញ 12102 | |
Ministry of Cults and Religions | HW4P+25H, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport | 80 មហាវិថី ព្រះនរោត្តម (៤១), ភ្នំពេញ | |
Ministry of Health | Home No. 80, Samdech Penn Nouth Boulevard, Phnom Penh | |
Ministry of Interior | 275 Norodom Blvd, ភ្នំពេញ 12010 | |
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications | អគារមិត្តភាពកម្ពុជា-កូរ៉េ, 13 មហាវិថី ព្រះមុនីវង្ស (៩៣), ភ្នំពេញ | |
Ministry of Public Works and Transport | Street 598 (H.E. Chea Sophara Street Phnom Penh Sangkat Chrang Chamres 2 Khan Russey Keo, 12000 | |
Ministry of Rural Development | 773 មហាវិថី ព្រះមុនីវង្ស (៩៣), ភ្នំពេញ | |
Ministry of Tourism | មហាវិថី សាធារណរដ្ឋឆែក (១៦៩), ភ្នំពេញ | |
Ministry of Women's Affairs | GVRC+QMP, ផ្លូវទ្រុងមាន់, ភ្នំពេញ | |
National Bank Cambodia | 22-24 Norodom Blvd, ភ្នំពេញ | |
NoroMall | #199 Preah Norodom Blvd (41), Phnom Penh | |
Olympia Condo | HW67+93W, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Olympia Mall | HW67+93W, ភ្នំពេញ | |
One planet organization | 9D ផ្លូវលេខ ៣៩០, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Penh @ Coconut Park | Newton Rd, Phnom Penh | |
Pharmacie Point Santé | 21 Street 63, Phnom Penh | |
Pharmacie Point Santé ST29 | 24-22 ផ្លូវលេខ ២៩, ភ្នំពេញ | |
PTT Gas Station (Chbar Ampov) | 2 ផ្លូវជាតិលេខ ១, ភ្នំពេញ | |
PTT Gas Station (Mong Reththy) | HVRJ+5GX, វិថី ឧកញ៉ា ម៉ុងឫទ្ធី (១៩២៨), ភ្នំពេញ | |
PTT Gas Station (Neak Kwoan) | រាជធានី, 110 Russian Federation Blvd (110), Phnom Penh 12155 | |
PTT Gas Station 2004 Maeda | PTT Gas Station (Maeda, Street 2004, Phnom Penh 12352 | |
PTT Gas Station Aeon SenSok | JV4P+6HV, 4818 St.1003, ភ្នំពេញ | |
PTT Gas Station Battambang | 36Q5+XXP, National Hwy 5, Krong Battambang | |
PTT Gas Station Bokor | GWVC+QV8, 735 Preah Monivong Blvd (93), Phnom Penh 12304 | |
PTT Gas Station Chbar Morn | FHF2+JVP, NHway 4, ក្រុងច្បារមន | |
PTT Gas Station Don Keo | XQRM+452, ក្រុងដូនកែវ | |
PTT Gas Station Hanoi Street | HVX9+5V7, ភ្នំពេញ | |
PTT Gas Station Kratie | F2WG+59 ក្រុងក្រចេះ | |
PTT Gas Station National Road 6 | 9RGP+56F, National Route 6 (Airport Road), Krong Siem Reap | |
PTT Gas Station Pasteur | HW5G+H5G, Preah Ang Phanavong St. (240), Phnom Penh | |
PTT Gas Station Phnom Penh Airport | HV52+H2P, Phnom Penh | |
PTT Gas Station Phnom Penh Thmey | 867 ផ្លូវលេខ ១៩៨៦, ភ្នំពេញ | |
PTT Gas Station Pich Nil | 6455+C45, ត្រែងត្រយឹង | |
PTT Gas Station Prek Pnov | MVH2+V59, ភ្នំពេញ | |
PTT Gas Station Prey Kei | FRQ8+2JJ, Phnom Penh | |
PTT Gas Station Prey Sor | ផ្លូវព្រៃស, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Ptt Gas Station Psa Ler | 36Q5+XXP, National Hwy 5, Krong Battambang | |
PTT Gas Station Seang Nam | 9V4R+WHX, ផ្លូវជាតិលេខ ៦, ក្រុងសៀមរាប | |
PTT Gas Station Skun | 3322+Q5 ស្គន់ | |
PTT Gas Station Stueng Meanchey | coner 5MC, Samdech Monireth Blvd (217), Phnom Penh | |
PTT Gas Station Takmao | FWJV+WRF, ក្រុងតាខ្មៅ | |
PTT Gas Station Toul Kork | # 10A វិថី សម្ដេច ប៉ែននុត (២៨៩), ភ្នំពេញ 12151 | |
PTT Gas Station Toul Sangkae Branch | HWQ4+4R9, Phnom Penh | |
PTT Gas Station Veng Srieng | GVJ6+MG3, Veng Sreng Blvd, Phnom Penh | |
PTT Psa Toch | HWR9+F86, Phnom Penh | |
Roosewood Phnom Penh Hotel (Vattanac Capital Tower) | Monivong Boulevard, 66, Phnom Penh 12021 | |
Rothana Plaza | មហាវិថី សហពន្ធ័រុស្ស៊ី (១១០), ភ្នំពេញ | |
Royal Group | Invictus International School (Phnom Penh) | |
Seekers Independent Spirits - Seekers Spirit House | 1577 ផ្លូវជាតិលេខ ២, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Six Senses Krabey Island | Koh Krabey Island, Ream Commune, 18000 | |
Smart Axiata Co., Ltd. Building | Smart Axiata Co., Ltd. Building | |
Soma Farm (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. | 347 Phnom Penh, 12150 | |
Sorya Shopping Center | No. 13-61, St. 63, Sangkat Phsar Thmei I, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh Preah Trasak Paem Phnom Penh Phnom Penh, 12210 | |
Steung Meanchey Tmey | 523 Preah, មហាវិថី សម្ដេចមុនីរ៉េត (២១៧), ភ្នំពេញ | |
SUZUKI CAMKO CITY | st.598 ,Russeykeo Phnom Penh, 12100 | |
Suzuki Monivong | 479-481 Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh | |
Suzuki Stoeung Meanchey | GVQQ+XX8, Samdech Monireth Boulevard (217, Phnom Penh | |
Suzuki Takhmau Riverside | FWJX+FQ5, ផ្លូវលេខ ១០៧, ក្រុងតាខ្មៅ | |
Suzuki Veng Sreng | 31 Street 02, Phnom Penh | |
Suzy - Time Café | No. 170Eo, street 63 Phnom Penh, 12302 | |
Tchou Tchou | Abdul Carime, Phnom Penh | |
Tela Gas Station China Embassy | GWV6+RR7, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Tela Gas Station Northbridge | HV26+8F7, ភ្នំពេញ | |
Tela Gas Station Toul Kork | HWC2+25X, មហាវិថី សេនាប្រមុខគីមអុីលស៊ុង (២៨៩), ភ្នំពេញ | |
The Balé Phnom Penh Hotel | MWQG+38 Phnom Penh | |
Tk Avenue | Corner Street of 315 & 516 Phonm Penh, 12151 | |
TOTAL De Lagare | មហាវិថី សហពន្ធ័រុស្ស៊ី (១១០), ភ្នំពេញ 12201 | |
Total olympia mall | HW76+3MH, Oknha Tep Phan, Phnom Penh | |
Total Toulkork | Corner of st.289 and 592, Sangkat Boeung II, Toul Kok Phnom Penh Kandal Angk Snuol, 12152 | |
TotalEnergies St. 271 | St.271, Sangkat Toul Tompoung II, Khan Chamkar morn Phnom Penh Kandal Angk Snuol, 12311 | |
US Embassy | US Embassy Phnom Penh | |
YK Art House | 13 A St 830 Phnom Penh, 120101 |